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The average tuition for a private school in Ontario ranges from $10,000 to $30,000.


We aim to fill a need by assisting Christian families in forming saints, and we will work with dedicated professionals committed to this mission. In the spirit of "pay to all what is owed to them" (Romans 13:7) we also need to pay our staff a fair wage. With rental fees​ and course materials, expenses add up quickly.


We hope to one day grow into owning our own building, alongside providing an increase of extracurriculars for our students; we pray you feel just as committed to our aims. â€‹



​To Apply​


​Apply below, and expect our call in 3-5 business days. During this call we will schedule an in-person meeting to ensure we are the right fit for you and your family. Following a successful meeting, you will be given a Registration Form. Registration includes the payment of first month’s tuition (i.e. Junior and Senior Kindergarten: $500 per month; Grades 1-8: $700 per month).

Junior & Senior Kindergarten

​$5,000 per school year (10 months)

$500 per month

Grades 1-4

$7,000 per school year (10 months)

$700 per month​

Grades 5-8

$7,000 per school year (10 months)

$700 per month​

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