We are deeply blessed to share that our December 5th SJA Wine & Cheese Info Night was a great success!
With over 70 attendees, our Board of Directors and consultants shared about the origin of the school, and our mission of authentic Catholic faith formation and academic achievement in light of our God-given gifts and talents, and the call to holiness.
A most special thanks to those who attended the evening; your presence, prayers, inquiries, and supportive words encouraged us deeply. We look forward to journeying with you as a community committed to Christ and the mission of authentic discipleship and evangelization.
Many thanks to our Board of Directors, Melanie DiGiantommaso, Sandro Rajkovic, and Roberta Skoko, for their unwavering commitment to this endeavour. From strategic planning and marketing, to event preparation and hospitality, this board has worked earnestly for the sake of the mission.
Overwhelming thanks to realtor Ante Skoko, board member of MBCA Halton, for his professional consulting in the fields of real estate and private Catholic education. You have truly blessed us with your time and resources.
Insurmountable thanks to Theresa Aycho for her time and efforts in customizing our classical curriculum. Theresa is generously sharing her years of experience in homeschooling and private Catholic education, and we could not be more grateful.
Roger and Christine from Vin Bon winery in Welland-Niagara donated the wine for the evening, labeling the bottles with our custom logo! The corked red and white blew us away, and we highly recommend you give them a visit; we surely will! There are no words to express our thanks for their generosity.
Another thanks to David D’Souza and Dom Kielbasa of Emmaus Young Adults! David for his hard work, time, and enthusiasm, and Dom for his impressive media skills! Please join David, Dom, and other young adults (18-35) for Emmaus at 7pm on Tuesday evenings at St. Denis! Follow them @emmaus.ya.
Thank you to Fr. Stephen for gracing us with opening and closing prayers, and for allowing us to host our event in the parish basement. P.s. Please visit St. Denis to witness the beauty of the new altar rails!
Above all, thanks be to God for calling us to found St. Joseph Academy… it has already reaped so many fruits, and we cannot wait to see what the Holy Spirit has in store.
We ask that you please keep us in prayer throughout this journey!
St. Joseph, Pray for Us